WTR Ministries Endorsements What others are saying………….

"There are few people one comes across that emanate exceptional spiritual and intellectual depth along with a truly giving, caring spirit. Dr. Walter T. Richardson is exactly all that and more. Every minute working and learning with him is a gift that enriches the soul. His commitment to lead and inspire with respect and love never waivers, and we are the luckiest community as a result."

"Dr. W. T. Richardson is not only gifted but a gift to the Body of Christ."

"Dr. Walter T. Richardson is an anointed preacher, teacher, musician, community leader, and activist. He has walked with kings, but has not lost the common touch."

"Dr. Richardson has served as a member of Faith Partnerships’ Board of Directors for a number of years. He has been committed to the nurturing of both cultural and educational experiences in Florida‘s communities of need where he has worked diligently to inspire, challenge, unify, and channel the untapped resources of Miami‘s poorest."

"Dr. Richardson is a prolific pulpiteer, preacher, and teacher. He has a proven anointed ministry that is transforming lives for Christ."

"Dr. Walter T. Richardson is a consummate gentleman scholar, a gracious social activist, and a gifted servant of God. Whether a pupil in the lecture halls of Harvard; a professor in the classrooms of St. Thomas; a preacher behind sacred desks across the country; or the Pastor at his local church, Dr. Richardson brings a fresh voice of truth, integrity, and wisdom. International, national, and local communities benefit from his passion for social justice, and his compassion for the human condition, and his powerful articulation of the gospel message of hope, faith, and love."

"Many are called, but few are chosen. Dr. Richardson has been chosen for such a time to serve his family, his church, law enforcement, and the community at large. We can all serve, but few serve like Dr. Walter T. Richardson. I can attest to his love for ALL people, And It has been my honor to work with and learn from a man of such respect, integrity, and compassion. Our community is because of his sacrifices. Thank you is an understatement, but definitely a great start."
WTR Ministries Endorsements What others are saying………….

"The Reverend Dr. Walter T. Richardson is a very unique man of God with a personal encouraging touch. God has given him courage, compassion, and love to share with the world. I am a recipient of them all!"

"Dr. W. T. Richardson is not only gifted but a gift to the Body of Christ."

"Dr. Walter T. Richardson is an anointed preacher, teacher, musician, community leader, and activist. He has walked with kings, but has not lost the common touch."

"Dr. Richardson has served as a member of Faith Partnerships’ Board of Directors for a number of years. He has been committed to the nurturing of both cultural and educational experiences in Florida‘s communities of need where he has worked diligently to inspire, challenge, unify, and channel the untapped resources of Miami‘s poorest."

"Dr. Richardson is a prolific pulpiteer, preacher, and teacher. He has a proven anointed ministry that is transforming lives for Christ."

"Dr. Walter T. Richardson is a consummate gentleman scholar, a gracious social activist, and a gifted servant of God. Whether a pupil in the lecture halls of Harvard; a professor in the classrooms of St. Thomas; a preacher behind sacred desks across the country; or the Pastor at his local church, Dr. Richardson brings a fresh voice of truth, integrity, and wisdom. International, national, and local communities benefit from his passion for social justice, and his compassion for the human condition, and his powerful articulation of the gospel message of hope, faith, and love."

"Many are called, but few are chosen. Dr. Richardson has been chosen for such a time to serve his family, his church, law enforcement, and the community at large. We can all serve, but few serve like Dr. Walter T. Richardson. I can attest to his love for ALL people, And It has been my honor to work with and learn from a man of such respect, integrity, and compassion. Our community is because of his sacrifices. Thank you is an understatement, but definitely a great start."